
Our 3 parents are Sabbath, Tacoma, and Milo, all are working line shepherds. They are all family dogs and love to lounge around on their beds with their little sister Athena our Schnauzer. Each was chosen with producing future family dogs in mind, and we believe any of the pups would fit perfectly into yours! Sabbath is Czechs and Germán descent, she was our easiest to train and most eager to learn, she also loves to fetch and swim!!! She is the black sable. Tacoma is our black and tan female, she is a little more stubborn than Sabbath but makes up for it by always making us smile!! Still very eager to please, and is our most protective out of the 3. She is of German and American descent. Milo is our sweet black and red boy, very smart and loves swimming, he would live in their pool if we let him! He also has the time of his life every time he gets a day at the lake. He comes from champion bloodlines and comes from American and German descent as well. Pics of pedigrees are in additional info section